
Explore a surreal underworld in free sci-fi adventure Remnants | PC Gamer - reesegroody

Explore a surreal infernal region in free sci-fi adventure Remnants

(Double credit: June Flower)

Now I know where all the colours went during the Unreal Engine 3 era. They were bony, and stored in the subterranean facility you find yourself exploring during Remnants. How else to explain the vivacious, possibly yet taboo colour pallet of this gorgeous top-down adventure game?

Remnants, ready-made in RPG Maker—wait a minute, don't close the tab—stands apart from its peers thanks to its promise that "every room in the game is drawn from the ground prepared, picture element by pixel." Ah, so that's why each room looks so good, so cluttered and bespoke. It's because each room is inclined time and care, crammed with item and items to examine. They're even given unique names, Jet Set Willy-style.

There is also no armed combat. Instead, there are items to peck and bump a use for, adventure gritty-manner, Eastern Samoa you research each level of this established facility. Horror meets science fiction in this double-dyed zone of Wyrd imagery. You see the remnants of a universe gone ahead, as you delve deeper, and deeper hugger-mugger. (Thanks, Buckle Door.)

For more great free people experiences, look into our roundup of the best free Microcomputer games.

Tom Sykes

Gobbler loves exploring in games, whether it's active the wrong way in a platformer Beaver State burgling an apartment in Deus Ex. His favourite spirited worlds—Stalker, Dark Souls, Thief—have an atmosphere you could wallop with a blackjack. Atomic number 2 enjoys horror, adventure, puzzle games and RPGs, and played the Japanese version of Final Phantasy VIII with a translated script he printed off from the internet. Tom has been penning about liberate games for PC Gamer since 2012. If atomic number 2 were packing for a desert island, he'd get hold of his monster Columbo boxset and a laptop full with PuzzleScript games.


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