
How To Insert A Checkbox In Excel 2013

Excel has become the most essential tool of modern official life. Knowing near more features in Excel can certainly make whatever sort of complicated work easy. For case, utilise the bank check mark to sort data perfectly. Merely not a single method can be useful in every situation. Still wondering near it, well here is your guide on how to insert check mark in Excel using unlike methods as per the type of work you are handling.

ane. Cheque Marking Vs Bank check Box

Some users may find it hard to distinguish the two unlike terms of Excel considering of the almost like proper name viz. check mark and checkbox. Simply the noteworthy fact is that both are non similar and have their own uses.

Bank check Mark: It is similar a text which y'all oftentimes insert in a cell. You tin can re-create, delete and insert as yous practise with the regular text.

Check Box: On the contrary, it is like an object or symbol that you cannot delete like the text.

As our primary focus is to insert check mark in Excel, we are going to hash out bank check mark further.

2. How to Insert Check Mark in Excel

At that place are numerous ways to insert bank check Marking in Excel that we are going to discuss here. Yous should analysis the data that you are processing in Excel before you decide to make a checkmark in Excel.

2.1 Copy and Paste the Check Mark

Y'all may find this particular method the easiest one.

The only thing that yous have to do is just Select the check mark from hither ( ✔) copy information technology past pressing CTRL + C. Paste it in the cell by pressing CTRL +5.

At present y'all have information technology in your Excel sheet and feel free to use it as many times as you lot want past copy and paste commands.

Note: It is not suitable for big information.

ii.2 Use the Keyboard Shortcuts

At that place are some keyboard shortcuts that you should use to insert cheque mark in Excel. You will have to use the Wingdings 2 or similar font as per the keyboard that you are taking into utilize.

Y'all should utilise the SHIFT + P combination of the keys when you lot desire to obtain the ( ✔) cheque marking. You lot should as well know that Shift + O combination is used for printing (X) cross symbol in the prison cell. You lot can besides use ALT + 0252 to get Checkmark symbol.

keyboard shortcuts

Note: Putting several key combinations need some time and this is perfect when y'all don"t have to fill other data with it in a cell. A single cell with more numbers and text are non appropriate for it.

2.3 Using Formulas

Using a formula "CHAR" for inserting a Checkmark is quite distinguished from whatsoever other methods. After learning this method, you volition certainly honey to do it. Here is some vital information that you must know to insert check mark using excel formulas.

Effect and symbol code
Syntax of formula
Symbol 252
Symbol in the box 254
Cross symbol 251
Cross symbol in box 253

In Excel, you tin can easily re-create the formulas to many cells. You must think conspicuously how to add check mark in Excel when you are dealing with large data. Thus when you are dealing with a huge listing, this method will be useful for yous. You should re-create the formula to the target cells to work with information technology.

2.4 By Typing the Grapheme Lawmaking

Ane more than swift method of inserting the bank check mark is typing its grapheme code. You must type checkbox symbol code 252 directly in the jail cell. During the typing, you should likewise concord the Alt Key. Here are some very steps that you should follow.

Step 1. Select the target cell to insert the bank check marking.

Step two. Select the Wingdings font type from the Home Tab > Font group.

Step three. Press the Alt key and commencement typing the character code.

excel font wingdings

Step 4. Employ the numeric keypad to perform the third pace.

Step five. The character codes are similar to the formula codes that you take seen earlier.

Step six. Make sure that NUM LOCK is on to make this method work for you.

2.5 Using Autocorrect

Autocorrect is one of the about exclusive features of the Excel that you can for inserting the checkbox and for many other tasks. It is perfect to make the machine-correction when we type.

It works perfectly because of a list which is pre-made. The process to add this check mark to it is explained below.

Stride 1. Open the File Tab menu from the Excel.

Step ii. Get to Choice and click on information technology

Step iii. Observe the proofing in the dialog box of options

Footstep 4. After selecting the proofing, yous will discover the "AutoCorrect Options" button in that location.

autocorrect options

Step 5. Now you will see AutoCorrect Dialogue Box.

Step 6. Enter the "CMARK" in the 'Replace box' and paste it in the "With Box".

autocorrect dialogue box

Pace 7. Consummate the process past clicking on the Add and OK buttons.

After yous complete the above-mentioned process, you can get a check marking by typing "CMARK" in the excel cell.

2.half-dozen Using the Symbols Dialog Box

The adjacent method of inserting the check mark symbol is quite interesting because the symbol dialog box is used in information technology. Few steps are at that place to insert the check mark with a symbol dialog box.

Step one. Make the choice of the target cell where you want to enter.

Step two. In the ribbon, you should click on the Insert tab.

Step 3. In the Insert tab, you will find the symbol icon, click on it to proceed farther.

insert symbo

Step 4. Select "Segoe UI symbol" font from the Symbol dialog box.

select segoe ui symbol

Step 5. You volition find the check mark when you scroll down.

Footstep half dozen. Uncertainty click on it to insert it in the selected cell.

The entire process is longer than others but you volition notice that you don"t take to have any sort of knowledge most the formula or another context to use information technology.

2.vii Using Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is the next method by which you can insert the cheque mark in Excel.

Step 1. Y'all can understand with an example. Take some sales figures in cavalcade A.

Step 2. In the prison cell B2, enter =A2 to get the same value in the B cavalcade. Both columns are connected now.

conditional formatting

Step iii. Now you must select the column B cells to enter the check marks.

Footstep 4. In the Domicile Tab, you will find the conditional formatting in Excel.

Step 5. When you click on it, information technology will ask y'all to put "New Dominion". You should click on the "New Rule" to start the process.

excel new rule

Step 6. Click on the "New formatting rule". Information technology will ask y'all to choose the "Format style". In the drop-down window, you will find the "Icon sets".

icon sets

Step 7. There is the drop downwardly you can select the style of the cheque marker and cross mark.

Footstep viii. Put a check on the prove icon only box. It will put an impression on the icons and make them visible. Numbers are subconscious by information technology.

Step 9. You lot should change the percentage to the numbers in the Icon settings. Click OK to see the results.

3. Other Tips well-nigh Checkmark in Excel

With the in a higher place-mentioned tips and tricks, you are at present well enlightened that how to insert check mark in Excel. But there tin can be several projects where you also demand to format the check sign. For your assistance, nosotros are going to tell you nearly some formatting tips for a bank check mark.

3.ane How to Format Checkmark in Excel

Checkmark will be like a text cloth that you lot accept inserted in the cell. This means that the aforementioned rules and buttons volition exist applicable to information technology that you do for text formatting and coloring.

You can go for the conditional formatting when at that place is no other data inserted in the cell than a bank check marker. This will format the check mark automatically. This means that you don"t accept to re-format it again when y'all delete a tick symbol.

You can find the provisional formatting options in Abode Tab > Style group > provisional formatting > new rules.

excel new rule

Make sure that y'all have selected the target cells before giving any command. The steps are straightforward and too mentioned earlier in the above paragraphs for conditional formatting.

3.2 How to Count Tick Marks in Excel

Counting A check marker or tick marker demands aught when you lot are familiar with CHAR function and COUNTIF functions. For your help, hither is the hint to put the formula that will work for you. In case y'all take checkbox from B2 jail cell to B10 range, here is the syntax for putting the formula.

=COUNTIF(B2:B10, CHAR(252))

At present you are counting with the aid of check symbols" character lawmaking past putting it into a formula. Make sure that no other information is inserted with the check mark to become perfect results. This is how y'all tin can insert check mark in Excel and count information technology when you need.


Now you know how to put checkmark in Excel. Not every formula or method of inserting the checkbox is appropriate in every situation. There are several sorts of the task that yous may be handling during the day in the Excel sheet.

Using the most suitable bank check mark insert method is depending on your perception well-nigh the job. Hope you volition utilize the most appropriate one as per your needs.


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